
A selection of my photo projects, past and present.

Doors No More.


Ongoing photo project looking at the ghosts of doorways past. Click the link below to view the dedicated Instagram page for the project - I’ve not had a chance to update it in a long time, but I do plan to return to the project soon.

She Becomes an Inaccesible Ghost.


lo-fi photobook based on Thomas Hardy’s The Well-Beloved with text by Hardy and photos by me taken on Portland.



Various portraits 2005-present. Get in touch if you’re interested in getting your portrait taken by me as part of this project, or as a commission.

Rites of Passage.


A collection depicting various rites of passage or traditional English festivals. Some are quintessentially English, and others a contemporary take on much older festivities.

Helston Flora Day: based on traditional May Day fertility celebrations. The Cornish town of Helston has hosted a dance and decorated its streets in foliage for centuries. Unlike many English villages where such dances are waning in popularity among the younger generations, Flora day is anticipated by all generations, young and old. Traditionally, the dancers wear Lily of the Valley, Helston's symbolic flower. Gentlemen wear it on the left, with the flowers pointing upwards, and ladies wear it upside down on the right.

Hen Party: a mini photo-series within my ongoing Rites of Passage series documenting an atypical hen party comprising of hikes in Dartmoor.

Masked Ball: Porthleven is a fishing village near Helston that has its own May Day festivities, albeit less traditional than Helston’s. Every year the youth of the area flock to the cliff-side location for a weekend of frivolity.

Between Darkness, & Gore Heath.


These two projects are closely related.

I was commisioned to make a book for The Dove “An Amazing Space" exhibition in 2017. Between Darkness was the result: entirely handmade and bound comprising of photographs and poems.

The book now lives in a tree house in Somerset.

Gore Heath was produced at the same time as Between Darkness, using the same photographic technique. The series comprises of two photographs that were taken partly in response to a notice I read on a board at Gore Heath: a developer wants to raze the heath and turn it into a gravel pit. All that natural diversity, and the beauty and pleasure it brings people is at risk of destruction for someone's short-term personal gain. Public outcry has saved it for now, but that dark cloud of capitalist interest overhangs this place. Of course there is already a profit-driven monoculture here in the form of the plantation that features in the photographs - mankind shapes and continually changes the land.



Ongoing photo project



This section incorporates various garden and floral photography, including the photo booklet, “Bloom.”

Some of these are available as prints.



Studies of a single smoke tree (cotinus coggygria) taken in my garden, Dorset between 2010 and 2015.



